DeFi Kingdoms Chain: Avalanche Multiverse’s First Subnet

DeFi Kingdoms Chain: Crystalvale

Avalanche Multiverse and Defi Kingdoms: Crystalvale The Avalanche Foundation recently announced the Avalanche Multiverse, a $290MM incentive program aimed at accelerating the growth of Avalanche subnets. The first recipient of these incentives is none other than the popular GameFi dApp Defi Kingdoms. In December 2021, after it had already become the most popular dApp on … Read more

Are NFT’s About to Get More Useful?

NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens) have taken pop-culture by storm in the last 24 months. Going from an obscure crypto creation to now being used as status symbols in social media Profile Pictures (Pfp’s), cultural awareness of NFT’s is at an all time high.  So what’s the big deal? Just a screenshot JPEG right?  Not exactly  What … Read more

SEC Is Probing NFTs After CEX Charges

Gary Gensler and the SEC are investigating NFTs

The SEC has opened an investigation into NFTs and NFT exchange marketplaces. Is this something you should be concerned about or is Gary prematurely extrapolating his oversight?

MetaMask and OpenSea Block Users

Explaining what happened with Infura and MetaMask, and OpenSea. Clarity and next best steps provided. If you haven’t already, buy a hardware wallet.

A Crash Course on Ethereum

Uncovering what is behind the growth of DeFi, NFTs, and why Ethereum is the most widely used blockchain in the world.

New Opensea Contract Exploited? Massive Hack In Progress

Updated Feb. 20th – On February 19th, several owners of high-value NFTs had their entire collection of Opensea-listed assets pulled out from under them by an unknown attacker. Either the new Opensea contract was hacked, or users were hit by a phishing attack. Any users who interacted with Opensea’s new contracts should consider revoking the … Read more

The Crypto Bowl

Crypto Takes Stage at the Super Bowl

Pro Sports and Crypto partnerships continue to be an indicator of longterm growth even in volatile market conditions.  As the market has continued to bounce up and down, one important narrative in the short term to look at is, Binance, FTX and other Crypto companies have laid out the most capital investment ever for … Read more