Latest Ethereum News

HubSpot Hack Targets Crypto Companies

With the growing adoption of blockchain technology, and the explosion of crypto in the last few years, the issue of Cyber Security has never been more important.  Over the past weekend Sales & Marketing platform, Hubspot, released a security report revealing an incident where approximately 30 Hubspot portals were hacked and data compromised.  “At this

LI.FI Protocol Hacked For $600k

Cross-chain swap and DEX aggregator platform LI.FI protocol was hacked yesterday, March 20th, for over 200 Ether. The attacker used a weakness in the protocol’s core offering, the swap function, to launch an attack that stole from a contract which doesn’t hold any funds. How is that even possible? The answer lies in token approvals.

MetaMask and OpenSea Block Users

Explaining what happened with Infura and MetaMask, and OpenSea. Clarity and next best steps provided. If you haven’t already, buy a hardware wallet.

How to Read Smart Contracts Without Learning Solidity

In Decentralized Finance, code is law. Instead of legal documents, we have self-enforcing smart contracts. While contracts written in code enable the vast universe of DeFi, they also present a literacy issue. Legalese may be boring, but the average user can still puzzle through it with enough re-reading. In contrast, code is incomprehensible to the

A Crash Course on Ethereum

Uncovering what is behind the growth of DeFi, NFTs, and why Ethereum is the most widely used blockchain in the world.

LARGEST EVER Coinbase Bug Bounty: 250k 

Twitter user Tree_of_Alpha earned 250k in the largest ever Coinbase Bug Bounty by finding a potentially “market-nuking” flaw. Tree_of_Alpha found an exploit in Coinbase’s Advanced Trading feature. This exploit allowed ANY person to sell ANY coin without owning it. Market-nuking indeed! The Discovery: Tinkering with UI Coinbase launched their advanced trading platform on November 3, 2021. The purpose was to integrate sophisticated

New Opensea Contract Exploited? Massive Hack In Progress

Updated Feb. 20th – On February 19th, several owners of high-value NFTs had their entire collection of Opensea-listed assets pulled out from under them by an unknown attacker. Either the new Opensea contract was hacked, or users were hit by a phishing attack. Any users who interacted with Opensea’s new contracts should consider revoking the